354.59874 - Adjustment of allowed revenue from taxes ad valorem upon assumption by local government of function previously performed by another local government pursuant to agreement between local gov

354.59874  Adjustment of allowed revenue from taxes ad valorem upon assumption by local government of function previously performed by another local government pursuant to agreement between local governments.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2 of NRS 354.5987 and NRS 354.598743 and 354.598747, if one local government takes over a function or provides a service previously performed by another local government pursuant to an agreement between the local governments, upon petition by the participating local governments, the Executive Director of the Department of Taxation shall:

      1.  Reduce the allowed revenue from taxes ad valorem calculated pursuant to NRS 354.59811 of the local government which previously performed the function or provided the service, for the first year the service is provided or the function is performed by an amount equal to the cost of performing the function or providing the service; and

      2.  Increase the allowed revenue from taxes ad valorem calculated pursuant to NRS 354.59811 of the local government which assumed the performance of the function or the provision of the service, for the first year the service is provided or the function is performed by an amount equal to the amount by which the reduction was made pursuant to subsection 1.

      (Added to NRS by 1989, 805; A 1989, 2087; 1991, 1438; 1997, 3298)