333.210 - Standards and specifications.
333.210 Standards and specifications.
1. Supplies, materials and equipment purchased for the various using agencies shall be reduced to the practicable minimum of types, styles and sizes. The Chief shall be responsible for developing and executing a progressive program of establishing standards. The Chief may call upon any department or officer having technical facilities available, for assistance in the formulation of such standards.
2. Standard specifications shall be developed and adopted after consultation with the heads of the various using agencies, who shall assist in formulating such specifications. Such specifications shall be sufficiently complete and precise:
(a) To insure that all vendors bid on the same basis.
(b) To make effective testing and inspection possible.
(c) To attract the maximum competition practicable with due consideration of suitability of products.
(d) To describe the methods of testing or inspection.
Ê A specification file containing all approved specifications shall be maintained by the Chief.
[35:333:1951]—(NRS A 1963, 1054; 1979, 175)