324.100 - Deposit and use of proceeds and fees; appropriation for Carey Act Account.
324.100 Deposit and use of proceeds and fees; appropriation for Carey Act Account.
1. The proceeds derived by the State from fees and the sale of Carey Act lands must be deposited in the Carey Act Account. The money is subject to control and disposition by the Division and may be used by the Division for the following purposes only:
(a) For the payment of all necessary expenses incurred by the State Registrar of Lands Under the Carey Act for administering Carey Act lands.
(b) For the reclamation, under the control and direction of the Division, of desert lands in the State, other than those included in any segregation by any applicant except the State.
(c) For advertisement and publicity of the desert lands of the State to advance their settlement and reclamation.
2. Until the Carey Act Account has received deposits from fees and sales of land under the provisions of this chapter sufficient to meet the necessary disbursements arising pursuant to paragraph (a) of subsection 1, the State Controller and the State Treasurer are authorized and directed to transfer from the State General Fund to the Carey Act Account from time to time, sufficient money to meet those disbursements, not exceeding $10,000, and that sum is hereby appropriated for that purpose. As soon as deposits to the Carey Act Account, derived from fees and sales of lands, are sufficient to provide an adequate operating balance in the Carey Act Account, all sums so transferred must be restored to the State General Fund.
3. All disbursements from the Carey Act Account must be on claims of the State Registrar of Lands Under the Carey Act and approved by the State Board of Examiners.
[30:76:1911; RL § 3093; NCL § 5504]—(NRS A 1975, 108; 1977, 374, 1193; 1979, 229, 664; 1991, 1764)