278.230 - Governing body to put adopted master plan into effect.

278.230  Governing body to put adopted master plan into effect.

      1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4 of NRS 278.150, whenever the governing body of any city or county has adopted a master plan or part thereof for the city or county, or for any major section or district thereof, the governing body shall, upon recommendation of the planning commission, determine upon reasonable and practical means for putting into effect the master plan or part thereof, in order that the same will serve as:

      (a) A pattern and guide for that kind of orderly physical growth and development of the city or county which will cause the least amount of natural resource impairment and will conform to the adopted population plan, where required, and ensure an adequate supply of housing, including affordable housing; and

      (b) A basis for the efficient expenditure of funds thereof relating to the subjects of the master plan.

      2.  The governing body may adopt and use such procedure as may be necessary for this purpose.

      [Part 11:110:1941; A 1947, 834; 1943 NCL § 5063.10]—(NRS A 1973, 1243; 1995, 2228; 2001, 1683)