278.340 - Review by city of tentative map of subdivision proposed to be located within 1 mile of boundary of city.

278.340  Review by city of tentative map of subdivision proposed to be located within 1 mile of boundary of city.  Except as otherwise provided in a comprehensive regional plan adopted pursuant to NRS 278.026 to 278.029, inclusive, whenever a subdivider proposes to subdivide any land within 1 mile of the boundary of a city, the planning commission of the county or its designated representative, or, if there is no planning commission, the clerk or other designated representative of the governing body of the county shall forward a copy of the tentative map to the planning commission of the city or, if there is no planning commission, the governing body of the city for review and comment.

      [19:110:1941; 1931 NCL § 5063.18]—(NRS A 1959, 499; 1973, 1768; 1993, 2562)