268.556 - Application of proceeds; components of cost of project.

268.556  Application of proceeds; components of cost of project.

      1.  The proceeds from the sale of any bonds shall be applied only for the purpose for which the bonds were issued and if, for any reason, any portion of such proceeds is not needed for the purpose for which the bonds were issued, such unneeded portion of such proceeds shall be applied to the payment of the principal of or the interest on the bonds.

      2.  The cost of acquiring, improving and equipping any project shall be deemed to include the actual costs of acquiring and improving a site or the cost of the construction of any part of a project which may be constructed, plus the total of all reasonable or necessary costs incidental to the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, repair, alteration, improvement, equipment and extension of any project, including without limitation:

      (a) The cost of studies and surveys;

      (b) Plans, specifications, architectural and engineering costs;

      (c) Legal, organization, marketing or other special services;

      (d) Financing, acquisition, demolition, construction, equipment and site development of new and rehabilitated buildings;

      (e) Rehabilitation, reconstruction, repair or remodeling of existing buildings;

      (f) Acquisition, installation, construction, reconstruction, repair, alteration and improvement of fixtures, machinery, equipment and furnishings;

      (g) An initial bond and interest reserve together with interest on bonds issued to finance such project to a date 6 months subsequent to the estimated date of completion; and

      (h) All other necessary and incidental expenses.

      (Added to NRS by 1967, 1757; A 1977, 597)