266.261 - Public works: General powers of city council.
266.261 Public works: General powers of city council.
1. The city council, on behalf of the city and in its name, without any election, may acquire, improve, equip, operate and maintain, convert to or authorize:
(a) Curb and gutter projects;
(b) Drainage projects;
(c) Off-street parking projects;
(d) Overpass projects;
(e) Park projects;
(f) Sanitary sewer projects;
(g) Sidewalk projects;
(h) Storm sewer projects;
(i) Street projects;
(j) Underpass projects;
(k) Water projects; and
(l) Underground electric and communication facilities.
2. The city council, on behalf of the city, for the purpose of defraying all the costs of acquiring, improving or converting to any project authorized by subsection 1, or any portion of the cost thereof not to be defrayed with money otherwise available therefor, is vested with the powers granted to municipalities by chapters 271 and 704A of NRS.
(Added to NRS by 1973, 377; A 1985, 260; 2001, 2075)