258.050 - Expenses; claims.

258.050  Expenses; claims.

      1.  When any constable shall be entitled to receive necessary traveling expenses for the transaction of public business, such expenses shall include the constable’s actual living expenses, but the amount allowed for traveling by private conveyance shall not exceed the amount charged by public conveyance.

      2.  Where it appears to the satisfaction of the board of county commissioners that travel by private conveyance is more economical, or where it appears that, owing to train, airplane or bus schedule or for other reasons, travel by public conveyance is impractical, or in case a part of the route traveled is not covered by public conveyance, the board of county commissioners is authorized to allow for traveling by private conveyance an amount not to exceed the maximum per-mile allowance for travel by private conveyance established by the State Board of Examiners for state officers and employees generally.

      3.  Any constable presenting a claim to the county for any expenses allowed by law shall attach itemized vouchers and receipts for the same to his or her claim, and the boards of county commissioners of the several counties are hereby prohibited from allowing such claim unless accompanied by vouchers and receipts as required by this section.

      [Part 1:16:1928; A 1939, 31; 1953, 69; 1955, 596]—(NRS A 1973, 1675; 2007, 601)