Chapter 249 - County Treasurers
- 249.010 - Election; term of office; certain county clerks ex officio county treasurers; exceptions.
- 249.020 - Oath.
- 249.030 - Bond.
- 249.040 - Removal of county treasurer when suit on bond.
- 249.050 - Facsimile signature.
- 249.060 - Deputies.
- 249.070 - County treasurer and deputies may administer oaths.
- 249.080 - Office; hours to remain open.
- 249.085 - Monthly report of administrative assessments paid by Justice Courts.
- 249.090 - Receipt and disbursement of money.
- 249.100 - Arrangement of accounts.
- 249.110 - Inspection of books and office.
- 249.120 - Payment of county warrants; limitation.
- 249.130 - Refusal to redeem warrant.
- 249.140 - Redemption of order; interest.
- 249.150 - Redemption of county orders; receipt for taxes.