244.110 - Style.
244.110 Style. The style of ordinances shall be as follows:
The Board of County Commissioners of the
County of................Do Ordain:
(Body of ordinance)
(Last section of ordinance)
Proposed on ....................... (month) ............... (day) ............ (year)
Proposed by Commissioner.........................................................................................
Passed ................................. (month) ............... (day) ............ (year)
Ayes: Commissioners..................................................
Nays: Commissioners..................................................
Absent: Commissioners..................................................
............................................................... .......................................................................
County Clerk Chair of the Board
This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after the ........ day of the month of of the year
[Part 2:296:1955]—(NRS A 2001, 45)
NRS 244.115 Recording of ordinances; copy as prima facie evidence. The county clerk shall record all ordinances in a book kept for that purpose, together with the affidavits of publication by the publisher. The book, or a certified copy of an ordinance therein recorded and under the seal of the county, shall be received as prima facie evidence in all courts and places without further proof. If published in book or pamphlet form by authority of the board of county commissioners, the book or pamphlet shall be received as prima facie evidence without further proof.
[Part 2:296:1955]