244.100 - Procedures for enactment; signatures; publication and effective date; publication of revised ordinance; hearing.
244.100 Procedures for enactment; signatures; publication and effective date; publication of revised ordinance; hearing.
1. All proposed ordinances, when first proposed, must be read by title to the board, immediately after which at least one copy of the proposed ordinance must be filed with the county clerk for public examination. Notice of the filing, together with the title and an adequate summary of the ordinance and the date on which a public hearing will be held, must be published once in a newspaper published in the county or, if no newspaper is published in the county, in a newspaper having a general circulation in the county, at least 10 days before the date set for the hearing. The board shall adopt or reject the ordinance, or the ordinance as amended, within 35 days after the date of the close of the final public hearing, except that in cases of emergency, by unanimous consent of the whole board, final action may be taken immediately or at a special meeting called for that purpose.
2. After adoption, all ordinances must be:
(a) Signed by the chair of the board.
(b) Attested by the county clerk.
(c) Published by title only, together with the names of the county commissioners voting for or against their passage, in a newspaper published in and having a general circulation in the county, at least once a week for a period of 2 weeks before it goes into effect. Publication by title must also contain a statement to the effect that typewritten copies of the ordinance are available for inspection at the office of the county clerk by all interested persons.
3. Whenever a revision is made and the revised ordinances are published in book or pamphlet form by authority of the board of county commissioners, no further publication is necessary.
4. Except in an emergency, before acting upon a new or amendatory ordinance the board must hold a hearing at which interested persons may present their views. The public hearing may be held in conjunction with the meeting provided for in subsection 1.
[Part 2:296:1955]—(NRS A 1977, 408; 1979, 637; 1981, 473; 1983, 362)