- 11.030 - When action cannot be brought by grantee from this State.
- 11.040 - When actions by State or its grantees are to be brought within 7 years.
- 11.060 - Action for recovery of mining claims: Occupation and possession; other applicable provisions.
- 11.070 - No cause of action effectual unless party or predecessor seized or possessed within 5 years.
- 11.080 - Seisin within 5 years; when necessary in action for real property.
- 11.090 - Peaceable entry; when not valid as claim.
- 11.100 - Possession presumed in legal owner unless adversely held.
- 11.110 - Occupation under written instrument or judgment; when deemed adverse.
- 11.120 - What constitutes adverse possession under written instrument or judgment.
- 11.130 - Premises actually occupied under claim of title deemed to be held adversely.
- 11.140 - What constitutes adverse possession under claim of title not founded on written instrument.
- 11.150 - Additional requirements for adverse possession: Occupation continuously for 5 years; payment of taxes.
- 11.160 - Relation of landlord and tenant as affecting adverse possession.
- 11.170 - Right of possession not affected by descent cast.
- 11.180 - Certain disabilities excluded from time to commence actions.