227.090 - Use of facsimile signature; combination of facsimile signature with signature of State Treasurer.
227.090 Use of facsimile signature; combination of facsimile signature with signature of State Treasurer.
1. The State Controller may use a facsimile signature produced through a mechanical device in place of his or her handwritten signature whenever the necessity may arise, except that:
(a) The mechanical device must be of such nature that the facsimile signature may be removed from the mechanical device and kept in a separate secure place;
(b) The use of the facsimile signature must be only under the direction and supervision of the State Controller; and
(c) The registered key to the mechanical device must at all times be kept in a vault, securely locked, when not in use, to prevent any misuse of the mechanical device.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection 1, the State Controller and the State Treasurer may combine their facsimile signatures as provided in NRS 226.080.
[1:119:1939; 1931 NCL § 7370.01]—(NRS A 1961, 52; 1965, 26; 2001, 2903)