Therapeutic Communities
- 209.4231 - Definitions.
- 209.4232 - “Health Division” defined.
- 209.4233 - “Program of aftercare” defined.
- 209.4234 - “Substance abuser” defined.
- 209.4235 - “Therapeutic community” defined.
- 209.4236 - Director to establish therapeutic communities.
- 209.4237 - Program to evaluate offenders for participation in therapeutic community; assignment to participate in therapeutic community.
- 209.4238 - Programs of aftercare.
- 209.4239 - Removal from therapeutic community or program of aftercare; Director may establish conditions, sanctions and incentives regarding participation; immunity.
- 209.424 - Offenders excluded from participation.
- 209.4242 - Director may contract with qualified persons.
- 209.4244 - Report by Director to Legislature.