- 209.101 - Department created; Board of State Prison Commissioners.
- 209.111 - Powers and duties of Board.
- 209.116 - Board to adopt regulations establishing maximum number of prisoners who may be incarcerated in private facility or institution.
- 209.121 - Director of Department: Appointment; qualifications; salary; other employment prohibited.
- 209.131 - Director of Department: Duties.
- 209.1315 - Director of Department: Training of correctional staff.
- 209.132 - Director of Department: Authority to delegate powers, duties or functions.
- 209.134 - Director of Department: Submission to county clerk of list of offenders released from prison or discharged from parole.
- 209.136 - Director of Department: Notification of Legislature regarding certain matters.
- 209.141 - Agreements with governmental agencies and private organizations.
- 209.151 - Deputy directors: Appointment; duties; other employment prohibited.
- 209.153 - Deputy Director for Industrial Programs: Retirement benefits.
- 209.161 - Wardens of institutions: Appointment; duties.
- 209.181 - Officers and employees residing at institution or facility: Charges and perquisites; notice to Legislature.
- 209.183 - Travel expenses authorized for certain employees at specified correctional centers and conservation camps.
- 209.189 - Fund for Prison Industries.
- 209.192 - Fund for New Construction of Facilities for Prison Industries.
- 209.201 - Prison Revolving Account.
- 209.221 - Offenders’ Store Fund.
- 209.225 - Investment and disbursement of interest and income of Offenders’ Store Fund.
- 209.229 - Operation of vending machines in visitors’ areas; profits from operation to be deposited in Offenders’ Store Fund.
- 209.231 - Deposit of money received from operation of conservation camp into Division of Forestry Account; powers and duties of State Forester Firewarden.
- 209.239 - Regulation of personal property of offenders.
- 209.241 - Safekeeping of money and valuables of offenders: Prisoners’ Personal Property Fund; duties of Director; withdrawals by offenders; disbursement of interest and income; penalties.
- 209.243 - Administrative claim by prisoner for loss of personal property, property damage, personal injuries or other claims; regulations.
- 209.246 - Deductions from individual account of offender.
- 209.247 - Deductions from individual account of offender: Order of priority.
- 209.2475 - Deductions from individual account of offender: Limitations; disposition of remaining money upon release of offender; reduction or elimination; transmittal.
- 209.248 - Account for disbursements to offenders: Establishment; use; reimbursement.
- 209.251 - Books and papers kept by Board or Director: Inspection; delivery to successors.