205.486 - Unlawful use of encryption.

205.486  Unlawful use of encryption.

      1.  A person shall not willfully use or attempt to use encryption, directly or indirectly, to:

      (a) Commit, facilitate, further or promote any criminal offense;

      (b) Aid, assist or encourage another person to commit any criminal offense;

      (c) Conceal the commission of any criminal offense;

      (d) Conceal or protect the identity of a person who has committed any criminal offense; or

      (e) Delay, hinder or obstruct the administration of the law.

      2.  A person who violates any provision of this section:

      (a) Is guilty of a gross misdemeanor, unless the encryption was used or attempted to be used to commit a crime for which a greater penalty is provided by specific statute. If the encryption was used or attempted to be used to commit a crime for which a greater penalty is provided by specific statute, the person shall be punished as prescribed by statute for that crime.

      (b) Commits a criminal offense that is separate and distinct from any other criminal offense and may be prosecuted and convicted pursuant to this section whether or not the person or any other person is or has been prosecuted or convicted for any other criminal offense arising out of the same facts as the violation of this section.

      (Added to NRS by 1999, 2704; A 2001, 2789)