205.205 - Counterfeiting trademark or design.

205.205  Counterfeiting trademark or design.  Every person who shall use or display or have in his or her possession with intent to use or display the genuine label, trademark, term, design, device, or form of advertisement of any person, corporation, association or union lawfully filed for record according to law of the State, or the exclusive right to use which is guaranteed to any person, corporation, association or union by the laws of the United States, or of this State, without the written authority of such person, corporation, association or union, or who shall willfully forge or counterfeit or use or display or have in his or her possession with intent to use or display any representation, likeness, similitude, copy or imitation of any genuine label, trademark, term, design, device, or form of advertisement, so filed or protected, or any die, plate, stamp or other device for manufacturing the same, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

      [1911 C&P § 426; RL § 6691; NCL § 10378]—(NRS A 1967, 498)