205.180 - Counterfeiting gold dust, bars or other articles; making or possessing instruments.

205.180  Counterfeiting gold dust, bars or other articles; making or possessing instruments.  A person who counterfeits any kind or species of gold dust, silver, gold, bullion or bars, lumps, pieces, or nuggets of gold or silver, or any description of uncoined gold or silver currently passing in this state, or alters or puts off any kind of uncoined gold or silver mentioned in this section, for the purpose of defrauding any person, body politic or corporate, or makes any instrument for counterfeiting any kind of uncoined gold or silver as aforesaid, knowing the purpose for which the instrument was made, or knowingly has in his or her possession and secretly keeps any instrument for the purpose of counterfeiting any kind of uncoined gold or silver as aforesaid, is guilty of a category C felony and shall be punished as provided in NRS 193.130. In addition to any other penalty, the court shall order the person to pay restitution.

      [1911 C&P § 421; RL § 6686; NCL § 10373]—(NRS A 1967, 497; 1979, 1442; 1995, 1219)