205.085 - Definitions.

205.085  Definitions.

      1.  Within the provisions of this chapter relating to forgery or other offense, a “written instrument,” or a “writing,” or a “paper,” shall include an instrument partly written and partly printed or wholly printed with a written signature thereto, or any signature or writing purporting to be a signature of or intended to bind an individual, partnership, corporation or association or an officer thereof.

      2.  The words “forge,” “forgery,” “forged,” and “forging,” shall include false making, “counterfeiting” and the alteration, erasure or obliteration of a genuine instrument in whole or in part, the false making or counterfeiting of the signature of a party or witness, real or fictitious, and the placing or connecting together with intent to defraud, of different parts or the whole of several genuine instruments.

      3.  A plate is in the “form and similitude,” of the genuine instrument forged, if the finished parts of the engraving thereupon shall resemble or conform to the similar parts of the genuine instrument.

      4.  A plate, label, trademark, term, design, device or form of advertisement is in the form and similitude of the genuine instrument imitated if the finished parts of the engraving thereupon shall resemble or conform to the similar parts of the genuine instrument.

      [1911 C&P § 408; RL § 6673; NCL § 10360] + [1911 C&P § 429; RL § 6694; NCL § 10381]