205.305 - Prima facie evidence of embezzlement.

205.305  Prima facie evidence of embezzlement.  If any clerk, apprentice, servant, or any other person whatsoever, whether bound or hired, to whom any money or goods, or chattels, or other property, shall be entrusted, for any purpose whatsoever, by his or her master, employer, or any other person or persons, corporation or corporations, by whom he or she may be entrusted, shall withdraw himself or herself and shall go away with the money, goods, chattels or property, or any part thereof, with the intent to steal the same, and defraud the master, employer or any other person or persons, corporation or corporations, of the same, or being in the service of his or her master, or employer, corporation or corporations, or any other person or firm, shall embezzle the money, goods, chattels or property, or any part thereof, or shall otherwise convert the same to his or her own use, it shall be prima facie evidence of the intent to steal the same, and every such person or persons so offending shall be punished in the manner prescribed by law for feloniously stealing property of the value of the articles so taken, embezzled, stolen or converted.

      [1911 C&P § 389; RL § 6654; NCL § 10341]