205.860 - Wrongful possession, abandonment or alteration of cart or serial number.

205.860  Wrongful possession, abandonment or alteration of cart or serial number.

      1.  Any person who:

      (a) Knowingly possesses a cart that has been removed from the owner’s premises;

      (b) Possesses a cart with the serial numbers removed, obliterated or altered with the intent to deprive the owner of the cart of its possession either temporarily or permanently;

      (c) Leaves or abandons a cart at a location other than the owner’s premises with the intent to deprive the owner of its possession either temporarily or permanently;

      (d) Alters, converts or tampers with a cart; or

      (e) Removes, obliterates or alters the cart’s serial numbers,

Ê is guilty of a misdemeanor.

      2.  This section does not apply to:

      (a) The owner of the cart or the owner’s agents or employees;

      (b) A customer of the retail store, laundry or establishment for dry cleaning who has written permission from the owner of the cart or the owner’s agents or employees to possess the cart or remove it from the premises; or

      (c) The operator of a service to retrieve carts if the operator has complied with NRS 205.850.

      (Added to NRS by 1985, 977)