173.075 - Nature and contents generally.

173.075  Nature and contents generally.

      1.  The indictment or the information must be a plain, concise and definite written statement of the essential facts constituting the offense charged. It must be signed by the Attorney General acting pursuant to a specific statute or the district attorney. It need not contain a formal commencement, a formal conclusion or any other matter not necessary to the statement.

      2.  Allegations made in one count may be incorporated by reference in another count. It may be alleged in a single count that the means by which the defendant committed the offense are unknown or that the defendant committed it by one or more specified means.

      3.  The indictment or information must state for each count the official or customary citation of the statute, rule, regulation or other provision of law which the defendant is alleged therein to have violated. Error in the citation or its omission is not a ground for dismissal of the indictment or information or for reversal of a conviction if the error or omission did not mislead the defendant to the defendant’s prejudice.

      (Added to NRS by 1967, 1413; A 1975, 655; 1989, 164)