163.285 - Continuation of business.

163.285  Continuation of business.

      1.  A fiduciary may, to the extent and upon such terms and conditions and for such periods of time as the fiduciary deems necessary or advisable, continue or participate in the operation of any business or other enterprise, whatever its form of organization, including but not limited to the power to:

      (a) Effect incorporation, dissolution, or other change in the form of the organization of the business or enterprise;

      (b) Dispose of any interest therein or acquire the interest of others therein;

      (c) Contribute thereto or invest therein additional capital or to lend money thereto, in any such case upon such terms and conditions as the fiduciary approves from time to time; or

      (d) Determine whether the liabilities incurred in the conduct of the business are to be chargeable solely to the part of the estate or trust set aside for use in the business or to the estate or trust as a whole; and

      2.  In all cases in which the fiduciary is required to file accounts in any court or in any other public office, it is not necessary to itemize receipts and disbursements and distributions of property but it is sufficient for the fiduciary to show in the account a single figure or consolidation of figures; and the fiduciary may account for money and property received from the business and any payments made to the business in lump sum without itemization.

      (Added to NRS by 1969, 450)