148.050 - Sale of property for certain purposes: No priority between personal and real property; method and order of sale.
148.050 Sale of property for certain purposes: No priority between personal and real property; method and order of sale. In selling property to pay debts, devises, family allowance or expenses, there is no priority between personal and real property. When a sale of property of the estate is necessary for any such purpose, or when it is for the advantage, benefit and best interests of the estate and any interested persons that any property of the estate be sold, the personal representative may sell the property, either at public auction or private sale, using his or her discretion as to which property to sell first, except as otherwise provided in NRS 150.225 and 151.003.
[139:107:1941; 1931 NCL § 9882.139]—(NRS A 1999, 2315)