130.105 - Applicability to support proceedings involving foreign orders, foreign tribunals or certain persons residing in foreign country; limitations. [Effective on the date that the provisions of Th

130.105  Applicability to support proceedings involving foreign orders, foreign tribunals or certain persons residing in foreign country; limitations. [Effective on the date that the provisions of The Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance is ratified by the President and the United States deposits its instrument of ratification.]

      1.  A tribunal of this State shall apply this chapter to a support proceeding involving:

      (a) A foreign support order;

      (b) A foreign tribunal; or

      (c) An obligee, obligor or child residing in a foreign country.

      2.  A tribunal of this State that is requested to recognize and enforce a support order on the basis of comity may apply the procedural and substantive provisions of this chapter.

      3.  NRS 130.7011 to 130.713, inclusive, apply only to a support proceeding under the Convention. In such a proceeding, if a provision of NRS 130.7011 to 130.713, inclusive, is inconsistent with any other provision of this chapter, NRS 130.7011 to 130.713, inclusive, control.

      (Added to NRS by 2009, 119, effective on the date that the provisions of The Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance is ratified by the President and the United States deposits its instrument of ratification)