3.260 - Deputy clerks.
3.260 Deputy clerks.
1. All clerks of the several district courts are hereby authorized to appoint deputies who shall have power to transact all official business pertaining to the office to the same extent as their principals.
2. The clerks of the district courts shall be responsible on their official bonds for all official malfeasance or nonfeasance of their deputies. Bonds for the faithful performance of their official duties may be required of the deputies by their principals.
3. All appointments of deputies under the provisions of this section shall be in writing and shall, together with the oaths of office of the deputies, be filed and recorded in a book provided for that purpose in the office of the recorder of the county within which the clerk of the district court legally holds and exercises his or her office. Revocations of such appointments shall also be filed and recorded as herein provided. From the time of the filing of appointments or revocations therein persons shall be deemed to have notice of the same.
[Part 1:101:1864; A 1905, 33; 1913, 108; 1919 RL § 2848; NCL § 4848] + [Part 2:101:1864; B § 3068; BH § 2280; C § 2452; RL § 2849; NCL § 4849] + [Part 3:101:1864; B § 3069; BH § 2281; C § 2453; RL § 2850; NCL § 4850]