85-902 Information on meningococcal disease; requirements.
85-902. Information on meningococcal disease; requirements.(1) Beginning with school year 2003-04, each postsecondary educational institution shall provide to each newly enrolled student who will reside in oncampus housing and the student's parent or guardian: (a) Detailed information on the risks associated with the potentially fatal meningococcal disease; (b) the availability and effectiveness of a vaccine against the disease; (c) a recommendation that each student receive the meningococcal vaccination; and (d) information on the availability of an indigent patient fund to assist qualified persons with the cost of the vaccine.(2) Each postsecondary educational institution shall request a confirmation signed by the student, parent, or guardian that the information provided has been received and reviewed. SourceLaws 2003, LB 513, § 1.