85-2303 Terms, defined.
85-2303. Terms, defined.For purposes of theIn the Line of Duty Dependent Education Act:(1) Associatedegree program means a degree program at a community college, state college,or state university which typically requires completion of an organized programof study of at least sixty semester credit hours or an equivalent that canbe shown to accomplish the same goal. Associate degree program does not includea baccalaureate degree program;(2) Baccalaureate degree program means adegree program at a community college, state college, or state universitywhich typically requires completion of an organized program of study of atleast one hundred twenty semester credit hours or an equivalent that can beshown to accomplish the same goal;(3) Child means a resident or nonresidentof Nebraska who is the child by birth or adoption of a Nebraska law enforcementofficer killed in the line of duty or a Nebraska firefighter killed in theline of duty;(4) Community college means a public postsecondary educational institutionwhich is part of the community college system and includes all branches andcampuses of such institution located within the State of Nebraska;(5) Educationbenefit means the In the Line of Duty Dependent Education Benefit establishedunder section 85-2304;(6) Fatal injury means an event occurring in the line of duty whichis a proximate cause of the death of a law enforcement officer or firefighter;(7) Firefighter meansa member of a paid or volunteer fire department in Nebraska, including a memberof a rescue squad associated with a paid or volunteer fire department in Nebraska,and a member of an emergency medical services ambulance squad;(8) Law enforcementofficer means any person who is responsible for the prevention or detectionof crime or the enforcement of the penal, traffic, or highway laws of theState of Nebraska or any political subdivision of the state for more thanone hundred hours per year and who is authorized by law to make arrests;(9) Line ofduty means any action that a Nebraska law enforcement officer or firefighteris authorized or obligated by law, rule, or regulation to perform, relatedto or as a condition of employment or service;(10) State college meansa public postsecondary educational institution which is part of the Nebraskastate college system and includes all branches and campuses of such institutionlocated within the State of Nebraska;(11) State university means a public postsecondaryeducational institution which is part of the University of Nebraska and includesall branches and campuses of such institution located within the State ofNebraska;(12) Tuition and fees means the charges and cost of tuition andfees as set by the governing body of a state university, state college, orcommunity college; and(13) Volunteer fire department means a volunteer department as definedin section 35-1303 located in Nebraska which provides fire protection serviceswithin Nebraska. SourceLaws 2009, LB206, § 3.