85-2105 Applicant; commission; powers and duties; educational institution receiving payment; report required.
85-2105. Applicant; commission; powers andduties; educational institution receiving payment; report required.(1) An applicant for the Access College Early Scholarship Program shallcomplete an application form developed and provided by the commission andshall forward the form to his or her guidance counselor. The guidance counselorshall verify the student's eligibility under the Access College Early ScholarshipProgram Act and shall forward the information to the commission for reviewwithin fifteen days following receipt of the form from the student. Notificationof tuition and mandatory fees to be accrued by the student shall be providedto the commission by the student, high school, or qualified postsecondaryeducational institution as determined by the commission.(2) The commission shall review the application and verify the student'seligibility under the act. The commission shall notify the student and thestudent's guidance counselor of the verification of eligibility and the estimatedaward amount in writing within thirty days following receipt of the form fromthe student's guidance counselor. The scholarship award shall equal the lesserof tuition and mandatory fees accrued by the student after any discounts applicableto such student from the qualified postsecondary educational institution orthe tuition and mandatory fees that would have been accrued by the studentfor the same number of credit hours if the student were taking the courseas a full-time, resident, undergraduate student from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.The commission shall forward such amount directly to the qualified postsecondaryeducational institution as payment of such student's tuition and mandatoryfees.(3) The commission shall make such payments in the order the applicationsare received, except that the commission may limit the number of scholarshipsawarded in each term. (4) The commission may limit the number of scholarshipsa student may receive. (5) For any student receiving a scholarship pursuant to the act fortuition and mandatory fees, the qualified postsecondary educational institutionreceiving the payment shall report either the student's grade for the courseor the student's failure to complete the course to the commission within thirtydays after the end of the course or within one hundred eighty days after receiptof a payment pursuant to the act if the course for which the scholarship wasawarded does not have a specified ending date. The commission shall keep theidentity of students receiving scholarships confidential, except as necessaryto comply with the requirements of the act. SourceLaws 2007, LB192, § 6; Laws 2009, LB20, § 1.