81-188.01 State Building Renewal Assessment Fund; created; use; investment.
81-188.01. State BuildingRenewal Assessment Fund; created; use; investment.(1)The State Building Renewal Assessment Fund is created. The fund shall be underthe control of the Governor for allocation to building renewal projects ofthe various agencies and shall be administered in a manner consistent withthe administration of the Building Renewal Allocation Fund pursuant to theDeferred Building Renewal Act. No amounts accruing to the State Building RenewalAssessment Fund shall be expended in any manner for purposes other than asprovided in this section or as appropriated by the Legislature to meet thecost of administering the act. Transfersmay be made from the fund to the General Fund at the direction of the Legislature.(2) Revenue credited to the StateBuilding Renewal Assessment Fund shall include amounts derivedfrom charges assessed pursuant to subdivision (4)(b) of section 81-1108.17,depreciation charges remitted pursuant to section 81-188.02, and such otherrevenue as may be incident to the administration of the fund.(3) Amounts appropriated from the fund shall be expendedto conduct renewal work as defined in section 81-173 and to complete otherimprovements incident to such renewal work as deemed necessary or appropriateby the task force. From amounts accruing to the fund as the result of depreciationcharges assessed pursuant to subdivision (4)(b) of section 81-1108.17, expendituresfor capital improvements shall be limited to improvements to only those facilitiesfor which such charges have been assessed and remitted. From amounts accruingto the fund as the result of depreciation charges assessed pursuant to section 81-188.02, expenditures for capital improvement projects shall be limitedto exclude (a) capital improvement projects relating to facilities, structures,or buildings owned, leased, or operated by the (i) University of Nebraska,(ii) Nebraska state colleges, (iii) Department of Aeronautics, (iv) Departmentof Roads, (v) Game and Parks Commission, or (vi) Board of Educational Landsand Funds and (b) capital improvement projects relating to facilities, structures,or buildings for which depreciation charges are assessed pursuant to subdivision(4)(b) of section 81-1108.17. For each fiscal year, task force allocationsfrom amounts accruing to the fund pursuant to section 81-188.02 shall notexceed the total of such revenue credited to the fund in the preceding fiscalyear, except that if no revenue from depreciation charge assessments was creditedto the fund in the preceding fiscal year, allocations shall not exceed fiftypercent of revenue credited to the fund in the last preceding fiscal yearin which depreciation charge assessments were credited to the fund.(4) Any money in the fund available for investment shallbe invested by the state investment officer pursuant to the Nebraska CapitalExpansion Act and the Nebraska State Funds Investment Act. SourceLaws 1998, LB 1100, § 8; Laws 2000, LB 654, § 22; Laws 2002, LB 1310, § 13; Laws 2002, Second Spec. Sess., LB 1, § 6; Laws 2003, LB 410, § 4; Laws 2004, LB 439, § 15; Laws 2004, LB 1092, § 2; Laws 2009, First Spec. Sess., LB3, § 61.Effective Date: November 21, 2009 Cross ReferencesNebraska Capital Expansion Act, see section 72-1269.Nebraska State Funds Investment Act, see section 72-1260.