81-1450 Office of Violence Prevention; director; administration and supervision; responsibilities; advisory council; meetings; duties.
81-1450. Office of Violence Prevention; director;administration and supervision; responsibilities; advisory council; meetings;duties.(1)The Office of Violence Prevention and its director shall be administered andsupervised, respectively, by the Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement andCriminal Justice. Among its responsibilities, the Office of Violence Preventionand its director shall be responsible for developing, fostering, promoting,and assessing violence prevention programs. To accomplish this mission, theduties of the director shall include, but not be limited to, program fundraising,program evaluation, coordination of programs, and assistance with the administrationand distribution of funds to violence prevention programs.(2) The advisorycouncil to the Office of Violence Prevention shall meet at least quarterly.Among its responsibilities, the advisory council shall recommend to the commissionrules and regulations regarding program fundraising, program evaluation, coordinationof programs, and the criteria used to assess and award funds to violence preventionprograms. Priority for funding shall be given to communities and organizationsseeking to implement violence prevention programs which appear to have thegreatest benefit to the state and which have, as goals, the reduction of streetand gang violence and the reduction of homicides and injuries caused by firearms.The duties of the advisory council shall include, but not be limited to, receivingapplications for violence prevention funds, evaluating such applications,and making recommendations to the commission regarding the merits of eachapplication and the amount of any funds that should be awarded. If any fundsare awarded to a violence prevention program, the advisory council shall continuouslymonitor how such funds are being used by the program, conduct periodic evaluationsof such programs, assess the progress and success regarding the stated goalsof each program awarded funds, and recommend to the commission any modification,continuation, or discontinuation of funding. SourceLaws 2009, LB63, § 40.