79-319 State Board of Education; additional powers; enumerated.
79-319. State Boardof Education; additional powers; enumerated.TheState Board of Education has the authority to (1) provide for the educationof and approve special educational facilities and programs provided in thepublic schools for children with disabilities, (2) act as the state's authorityfor the approval of all types of veterans educational programs and have jurisdiction over the administrationand supervision of on-the-job and apprenticeship training, on-the-farm training,and flight training programs for veterans which are financiallysupported in whole or in part by the federal government, (3) supervise andadminister any educational or training program established within the stateby the federal government, except postsecondary education in approved colleges,(4) coordinate educational activities in the state that pertain to elementaryand secondary education and such other educational programs as are placedby statute under the jurisdiction of the board, (5) receive and distributeaccording to law any money, commodities, goods, or services made availableto the board from the state or federal government or from any other sourceand distribute money in accordance with the terms of any grant received, includingthe distribution of money from grants by the federal government to schools,preschools, day care centers, day care homes, nonprofit agencies, and politicalsubdivisions of the state or institutions of learning not owned or exclusivelycontrolled by the state or a political subdivision thereof, so long as nopublic funds of the state, any political subdivision, or any public corporationare added to such federal grants, (6) publish, from time to time, directoriesof schools and educators, pamphlets, curriculum guides, rules and regulations,handbooks on school constitution and other matters of interest to educators,and similar publications. Such publications may be distributed without chargeto schools and school officials within this state or may be sold at a pricenot less than the actual cost of printing. The proceeds of such sale shallbe remitted to the State Treasurer for credit to the State Department of EducationCash Fund which may be used by the State Department of Education for the purposeof printing and distributing further such publications on a nonprofit basis.The board shall furnish eight copies of such publications to the NebraskaPublications Clearinghouse, and (7) when necessary for the proper administrationof the functions of the department and with the approval of the Governor andthe Department of Administrative Services, rent or lease space outside theState Capitol. SourceLaws 1953, c. 320, § 9, p. 1058; Laws 1959, c. 384, § 1, p. 1332; Laws 1961, c. 395, § 1, p. 1202; Laws 1963, c. 469, § 5, p. 1504; Laws 1972, LB 1284, § 20; Laws 1974, LB 863, § 9; Laws 1975, LB 359, § 2; Laws 1976, LB 733, § 1; Laws 1985, LB 417, § 1; Laws 1986, LB 997, § 7; R.S.1943, (1994), § 79-329; Laws 1996, LB 900, § 147; Laws 2009, LB549, § 19.