76-2422 Written agreements for brokerage services; when required.
76-2422. Written agreements for brokerage services; when required.(1) All written agreements for brokerage services on behalf of a seller, landlord, buyer, or tenant shall be entered into by the designated broker on behalf of that broker and affiliated licensees, except that the designated broker may authorize affiliated licensees in writing to enter into the written agreements on behalf of the designated broker. A copy of a written agreement for brokerage services shall be left with the client or clients.(2) Before engaging in any of the activities enumerated in subdivision (2) of section 81-885.01, a designated broker intending to establish a single agency relationship with a seller or landlord shall enter into a written agency agreement with the party to be represented. The agreement shall include a licensee's duties and responsibilities specified in section 76-2417, the terms of compensation, a fixed date of expiration of the agreement, and whether an offer of subagency may be made to any other designated broker, except that if a licensee is a limited seller's agent for a builder, the terms of compensation may be established for a specific new construction property on or before the builder's acceptance of a contract to sell.(3) Before or while engaging in any of the acts enumerated in subdivision (2) of section 81-885.01, a designated broker acting as a single agent for a buyer or tenant may enter into a written agency agreement with the party to be represented. The agreement shall include a licensee's duties and responsibilities specified in section 76-2418, the terms of compensation, a fixed date of expiration of the agreement, and whether an offer of subagency may be made to any other designated broker.(4) Before engaging in any of the activities enumerated in subdivision (2) of section 81-885.01, a designated broker intending to act as a dual agent shall obtain the written consent of the seller and buyer or landlord and tenant permitting the designated broker to serve as a dual agent. The consent shall include a licensee's duties and responsibilities specified in section 76-2419. The requirements of this subsection are met as to a seller or landlord if the written agreement entered into with the seller or landlord complies with this subsection. The requirements of this subsection are met as to a buyer or tenant if a consent or buyer's or tenant's agency agreement is signed by a potential buyer or tenant which complies with this subsection. The consent of the buyer or tenant does not need to refer to a specific property and may refer generally to all properties for which the buyer's or tenant's agent may also be acting as a seller's or landlord's agent and would be a dual agent. If a licensee is acting as a dual agent with regard to a specific property, the seller and buyer or landlord and tenant shall confirm in writing the dual-agency status and the party or parties responsible for paying any compensation prior to or at the time a contract to purchase property or a lease or letter of intent to lease is entered into for the specific property.(5) Before engaging in any of the activities enumerated in subdivision (2) of section 81-885.01, a designated broker intending to act as a subagent shall enter into a written contract with the primary designated broker for the client. If a designated broker has made a unilateral offer of subagency, another designated broker can enter into the subagency relationship by the act of disclosing to the customer that he or she is a subagent of the client.(6) Before engaging in any of the activities enumerated in subdivision (2) of section 81-885.01, a designated broker who intends to establish an agency relationship with any party or parties to a transaction in which the designated broker's duties and responsibilities exceed those contained in sections 76-2417 and 76-2418 shall enter into a written agency agreement with a party or parties to the transaction to perform services on their behalf. The agreement shall specify the agent's duties and responsibilities, including any duty of confidentiality, and the terms of compensation. Any agreement under this subsection shall be subject to the common-law requirements of agency applicable to real estate licensees. SourceLaws 1994, LB 883, § 22; Laws 2002, LB 863, § 8; Laws 2005, LB 88, § 1.