75-364 Additional federal motor carrier regulations; provisions adopted; exceptions.
75-364. Additional federalmotor carrier regulations; provisions adopted; exceptions.(1)The parts, subparts, and sections of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulationslisted below, or any other parts, subparts, and sections referred to by suchparts, subparts, and sections, in existence and effective as of January 1, 2010, are adopted as part of Nebraska law and,except as provided in subsections (2) and (3) of this section, shall be applicableto all motor carriers whether engaged in interstate or intrastate commerce,drivers of such motor carriers, and vehicles of such motor carriers:(a) Part 107 - Hazardous Materials Program Procedures, subpart F-RegistrationOf Cargo Tank And Cargo Tank Motor Vehicle Manufacturers, Assemblers, Repairers,Inspectors, Testers, and Design Certifying Engineers;(b) Part 107 - Hazardous Materials Program Procedures, subpart G-RegistrationOf Persons Who Offer Or Transport Hazardous Materials; (c) Part 171 - General Information, Regulations, And Definitions;(d) Part 172 - Hazardous Materials Table, Special Provisions, HazardousMaterials Communications, Emergency Response Information, and Training Requirements;(e) Part 173 - Shippers-General Requirements For Shipments And Packagings;(f) Part 177 - Carriage By Public Highway;(g) Part 178 - Specifications For Packagings; and(h) Part 180 - Continuing Qualification And Maintenance Of Packagings.(2) Agricultural operations exceptions:(a) The transportation of an agricultural product other than a Class2 material (Compressed Gases) as defined in 49 C.F.R. 171.8, over roads, otherthan the National System of Interstate and Defense Highways, between fieldsof the same farm, is excepted from subsection (1) of this section when:(i) The agricultural product is transported by a farmer who is an intrastateprivate motor carrier; and(ii) The movement of the agricultural product conforms to all otherlaws in effect on or before July 1, 1998, and 49 C.F.R. 173.24, 173.24a, and173.24b;(b) The transportation of an agricultural product to or from a farm,within one hundred fifty miles of the farm, is excepted from the requirementsin 49 C.F.R. part 172, subparts G (emergency response information) and H (training),and from the specific packaging requirements of subsection (1) of this sectionwhen:(i) The agricultural product is transported by a farmer who is an intrastateprivate motor carrier;(ii) The total amount of agricultural product being transported on asingle vehicle does not exceed:(A) Sixteen thousand ninety-four pounds of ammonium nitrate fertilizerproperly classed as Division 5.1, PGIII, in a bulk packaging; or(B) Five hundred two gallons for liquids or gases, or five thousandseventy pounds for solids, of any other agricultural product;(iii) The packaging conforms to the requirements of state law and isspecifically authorized for transportation of the agricultural product bystate law and such state law has been in effect on or before July 1, 1998;and(iv) Each person having any responsibility for transporting the agriculturalproduct or preparing the agricultural product for shipment has been instructedin the applicable requirements of the parts, subparts, and sections of Title49 of the Code of Federal Regulations adopted in this section; and(c) Formulated liquid agricultural products in specification packagingsof fifty-eight-gallon capacity or less, with closures manifolded to a closedmixing system and equipped with positive dry disconnect devices, may be transportedby a private motor carrier between a final distribution point and an ultimatepoint of application or for loading aboard an airplane for aerial application.(3) Exceptions for nonspecification packagings used in intrastate transportation:(a) Nonspecification cargo tanks for petroleum products: Notwithstandingrequirements for specification packagings in 49 C.F.R. part 173, subpart F,and 49 C.F.R. parts 178 and 180, a nonspecification metal tank permanentlysecured to a transport vehicle and protected against leakage or damage inthe event of a turnover, having a capacity of less than three thousand fivehundred gallons, may be used by an intrastate motor carrier for transportationof a flammable liquid petroleum product in accordance with subdivision (c)of this subsection;(b) Permanently secured nonbulk tanks for petroleum products: Notwithstandingrequirements for specification packagings in 49 C.F.R. part 173, subpart F,and 49 C.F.R. parts 178 and 180, a nonspecification metal tank permanentlysecured to a transport vehicle and protected against leakage or damage inthe event of a turnover, having a capacity of less than one hundred nineteengallons, may be used by an intrastate motor carrier for transportation ofa flammable liquid petroleum product in accordance with subdivision (c) ofthis subsection; and(c) Additional requirements: A packaging used pursuant to subdivision(a) or (b) of this subsection must:(i) Be operated by an intrastate motor carrier and in use as a packagingfor hazardous material before July 1, 1998;(ii) Be operated in conformance with the requirements of the State ofNebraska;(iii) Be specifically authorized by state law in effect before July1, 1998, for use as a packaging for the hazardous material being transportedand by 49 C.F.R. 173.24, 173.24a, and 173.24b;(iv) Be offered for transportation and transported in conformance withall other applicable requirements of the hazardous material regulations;(v) Not be used to transport a flammable cryogenic liquid, hazardoussubstance, hazardous waste, or marine pollutant as defined in 49 C.F.R. 171.8;and(vi) On and after July 1, 2000, for a tank authorized under subdivision(a) or (b) of this subsection, conform to all requirements in 49 C.F.R. part180, except for 49 C.F.R. 180.405(g), in the same manner as required for aUnited States Department of Transportation specification MC306 cargo tankmotor vehicle.(4) For purposes of this section:(a) Agricultural product means a hazardous material, other than a hazardouswaste, whose end use directly supports the production of an agricultural commodity,including, but not limited to, a fertilizer, pesticide, soil amendment, orfuel. An agricultural product is limited to a material in Class 3 (FlammableLiquids), Class 8 (Corrosives), or Class 9 (Miscellaneous), Division 2.1 (FlammableGas), Division 2.2 (Nonflammable Gas), Division 5.1 (Oxidizers), or Division6.1 (Poisons), or an ORM-D material (Consumer Commodity), as defined in 49C.F.R. 171.8;(b) Bulk package means a packaging, including a transport vehicle orfreight container, in which hazardous materials are loaded with no other intermediateform of containment and which has:(i) A maximum capacity greater than one hundred nineteen gallons asa receptacle for a liquid;(ii) A maximum net mass greater than eight hundred eighty-two poundsand a maximum capacity greater than one hundred nineteen gallons as a receptaclefor a solid; or(iii) A water capacity greater than one thousand pounds as a receptaclefor a gas, pursuant to standards set forth in 49 C.F.R. 173.115;(c) Farmer means a person engaged in the production or raising of crops,poultry, or livestock; and(d) Private motor carrier means a person or persons engaged in the transportationof persons or product while in commerce, but not for hire. SourceLaws 1986, LB 301, § 2; Laws 1987, LB 538, § 1; Laws 1988, LB 884, § 2; Laws 1990, LB 980, § 30; Laws 1991, LB 854, § 4; Laws 1993, LB 410, § 2; Laws 1994, LB 1061, § 6; Laws 1995, LB 461, § 2; Laws 1996, LB 938, § 5; Laws 1997, LB 722, § 2; Laws 1998, LB 1056, § 9; Laws 1999, LB 161, § 2; Laws 2000, LB 1361, § 12; Laws 2001, LB 375, § 2; Laws 2002, LB 499, § 6; Laws 2003, LB 480, § 3; Laws 2004, LB 878, § 2; Laws 2005, LB 83, § 2; Laws 2006, LB 1007, § 15; Laws 2007, LB239, § 9; Laws 2008, LB756, § 29; Laws 2009, LB48, § 2; Laws 2009, LB331, § 16; Laws 2010, LB805, § 14.Effective Date: July 15, 2010