71-212 Practice of barbering in another state or country; eligibility to take examination; successive examinations; failure to appear; notice of next regular examination.
71-212. Practice of barbering in another state or country; eligibility to take examination; successive examinations; failure to appear; notice of next regular examination.A person who (1) is of good moral character and temperate habits, (2) has a diploma showing graduation from high school or its equivalent as determined by successfully passing a general educational development test, and (3) has a license and certificate of registration as a practicing barber from another state or country which has substantially the same requirements for licensing or registering barbers as required by the Barber Act, shall upon payment of the required fee be given an examination by the board at the next regular examination to determine his or her fitness to receive a certificate of registration to practice barbering. If any person fails to pass a required examination, he or she shall be entitled to submit himself or herself for examination by the board at the next examination given by the board. If he or she fails at the third examination, no further examination shall be granted. If an applicant fails to appear when requested for an examination, he or she shall be notified by the board as to the time of the next regular examination, at which he or she shall appear. SourceLaws 1927, c. 163, § 10, p. 430; Laws 1929, c. 154, § 6, p. 536; C.S.1929, § 71-2012; R.S.1943, § 71-212; Laws 1957, c. 294, § 5, p. 1055; Laws 1963, c. 409, § 17, p. 1321; Laws 1971, LB 1020, § 17; Laws 1972, LB 1183, § 3; Laws 1978, LB 722, § 11; Laws 1997, LB 622, § 89; Laws 1999, LB 272, § 22.