68-721 Prenatal services; review of case authorized.
68-721. Prenatal services; review of caseauthorized.Apregnant United States citizen and Nebraska resident with an income at orbelow one hundred eighty-five percent of the federal poverty level who issubject to a child support enforcement sanction may ask for her case to bereviewed by the chief executive officer of the Department of Health and HumanServices to obtain prenatal services from state-only funds. If the chief executiveofficer, upon review of the circumstances of the case, determines, in hisor her discretion, that circumstances relating to domestic violence warrantan exception to the existing rules and regulations governing medicaid coverageand sanctions, he or she may authorize prenatal services to be paid from stategeneral funds. Prenatal services provided under this section shall not includeabortion counseling, referral for abortion, or funding for abortion.This section terminateson June 30, 2011. SourceLaws 2010, LB507, § 1.Operative Date: April 14, 2010Termination Date: June 30, 2011