60-3,135 Undercover license plates; issuance; confidential.
60-3,135. Undercover license plates; issuance;confidential.(1)(a) Undercover license plates may be issuedto federal, state,county, city, or village law enforcement agencies and shall be used only forlegitimate criminal investigatory purposes. Undercover license plates mayalso be issued to the Nebraska State Patrol, the Game and Parks Commission,deputy state sheriffs employed by the Nebraska Brand Committee and State FireMarshal for state law enforcement purposes, persons employed by the Tax Commissionerfor state revenue enforcement purposes, the Department of Health and HumanServices for the purposes of communicable disease control, the preventionand control of those communicable diseases which endanger the public health,the enforcement of drug control laws, or other investigation purposes, theDepartment of Agriculture for special investigative purposes, and the InsuranceFraud Prevention Division of the Department of Insurance for investigativepurposes. Undercover license plates shall not be used on personally ownedvehicles or for personal use of government-owned vehicles.(b) The director shall prescribe a form for agencies to apply for undercoverlicense plates. The form shall include a space for the name and signatureof the contact person for the requesting agency, a statement that the undercoverlicense plates are to be used only for legitimate criminal investigatory purposes,and a statement that undercover license plates are not to be used on personallyowned vehicles or for personal use of government-owned vehicles.(2) The agency shall include the name and signature of the contact personfor the agency on the form and pay the fee prescribed in section 60-3,102.If the undercover license plates will be used for the investigation of a specificevent rather than for ongoing investigations, the agency shall designate onthe form an estimate of the length of time the undercover license plates willbe needed. The contact person in the agency shall sign the form and verifythe information contained in the form.(3) Upon receipt of a completed form, the director shall determine whetherthe undercover license plates will be used by an approved agency for a legitimatepurpose pursuant to subsection (1) of this section. If the director determinesthat the undercover license plates will be used for such a purpose, he orshe may issue the undercover license plates in the form and under the conditionshe or she determines to be necessary. The decision of the director regardingissuance of undercover license plates is final.(4) The department shall keep records pertaining to undercover licenseplates confidential, and such records shall not be subject to public disclosure.(5) The contact person shall return the undercover license plates tothe department if:(a) The undercover license plates expire and are not renewed;(b) The purpose for which the undercover license plates were issuedhas been completed or terminated; or(c) The director requests their return.(6) A state agency, board, or commission that uses motor vehicles fromthe transportation services bureau of the Department of Administrative Servicesshall notify the bureau immediately after undercover license plates have beenassigned to the motor vehicle and shall provide the equipment and licenseplate number and the undercover license plate number to the bureau. The transportationservices bureau shall maintain a list of state-owned motor vehicles whichhave been assigned undercover license plates. The list shall be confidentialand not be subject to public disclosure.(7) The contact person shall be held accountable to keep proper recordsof the number of undercover plates possessed by the agency, the particularlicense plate numbers for each motor vehicle, and the person who is assignedto the motor vehicle. This record shall be confidential and not be subjectto public disclosure. SourceLaws 2005, LB 274, § 135; Laws 2007, LB296, § 227; Laws 2009, LB28, § 1.