60-2401.01 Restricted parking lots; unauthorized parking; towing; violation; penalty.
60-2401.01. Restricted parking lots; unauthorizedparking; towing; violation; penalty.Except in cities ofthe metropolitan or primary class, any person parking a vehicle in a properly posted, restrictedparking lot without the consent of the owner or tenant authorized to givepermission shall be guilty of an infraction and the vehicle shall be subjectto being towed away at the request of such lot owner or tenant. Any personfound guilty under this section shall be subject to the penalties providedin section 29-436 for infractions. If the identity of the operator of a vehicle in violationof this section cannot be determined, the owner or person in whose name suchvehicle is registered shall be held prima facie responsible for such infraction.When any law enforcement officer observes or is advised that a vehicle may be in violationof this section, he or she shall make a determination as to whether a violationhas in fact occurred and, ifso, shall personallyserve or attach to such vehiclea citation pursuant to section 29-424, directed to the owner or operatorof such vehicle, which shall set forth the nature of the violation. Any personwho refuses to sign the citation or otherwise comply with the command of thecitation shall be punished as provided by section 29-426. As used in thissection, law enforcement officer shall include any authorized representativeof a law enforcement agency. SourceLaws 1981, LB 47, § 2; Laws 2010, LB1065, § 2.