55-157 Militia; active duty; personnel; compensation; health insurance reimbursement.
55-157. Militia; active duty; personnel; compensation; health insurance reimbursement.(1) When an active or retired officer or enlisted person of the National Guard is ordered to active service of the state by the Governor or Adjutant General, he or she shall receive compensation as provided in this subsection. For service during a disaster or emergency an officer or enlisted person shall be entitled to the same pay, subsistence, and quarters allowance as officers and enlisted personnel of corresponding grades of the Army and Air Force of the United States. For advice, counsel, duties, or service to the Governor or Adjutant General, an officer or enlisted person may, at the discretion of the Adjutant General, be in a pay or nonpay status. If in a pay status, the officer or enlisted person shall be entitled to the same pay, subsistence, and quarters allowance as officers and enlisted personnel of corresponding grades of the Army and Air Force of the United States.(2) For any period of active service of the state in excess of thirty consecutive days, performed at the order of the Governor or Adjutant General or at the request of the federal government, a state, or other agency or entity, an officer or enlisted person shall be entitled to reimbursement of one hundred percent of the cost of his or her privately purchased health insurance or up to one hundred two percent of the cost of his or her employer-provided health insurance. The officer or enlisted person shall provide evidence of payment and shall be reimbursed to the extent that evidence of payment can be provided. The reimbursement for health insurance shall be treated as an allowance but may be paid separately once received by the State of Nebraska from the federal government, a state, or other agency or entity requesting the services of the officer or enlisted person. The State of Nebraska will not pay or advance the cost of such health insurance reimbursement for the federal government, a state, or other agency or entity. The State of Nebraska is exempt from the requirement under this subsection to reimburse officers and enlisted persons for their health insurance costs. SourceLaws 1909, c. 90, § 44, p. 380; R.S.1913, § 3943; C.S.1922, § 3343; C.S.1929, § 55-170; R.S.1943, § 55-184; Laws 1953, c. 188, § 33, p. 606; R.R.S.1943, § 55-184; Laws 1969, c. 459, § 55, p. 1599; Laws 1984, LB 934, § 5; Laws 1990, LB 930, § 2; Laws 2004, LB 963, § 4.