55-126 Adjutant General; assistants; duties; bond or insurance; salary.
55-126. Adjutant General; assistants; duties;bond or insurance; salary.The deputy adjutant general, chiefof staff of the Military Department, or deputy director shall aid the AdjutantGeneral by the performance of such duties as may be assigned by the AdjutantGeneral. In case of absence or inability of the Adjutant General, the deputyadjutant general, chief of staff of the Military Department, or deputy directorshall perform all or such portion of the duties of the Adjutant General asthe latter may expressly delegate to him or her. Inthe case of absence of both the Adjutant General and the deputyadjutant general, chief of staff of the Military Department, or deputy director, the Adjutant Generalmay delegate the authority to perform the duties of the Adjutant General toany active officer of the Nebraska military who shall hold at least the rankof colonel. The deputy adjutant general, chief of staff of the Military Department,or deputy director shall be bonded or insured as required by section 11-201.The deputy adjutant general, chief of staff of the Military Department, ordeputy director shall receive such salary as the Adjutant General shall direct,payable biweekly. Such salary shallnot exceed the annual pay and allowances of regular military officers of equalrank, except that when funds made available by the federal government arein excess of the amount payable as directed by the Adjutant General, the excessshall be used to reduce the amount required to be paid by the State of Nebraska. SourceLaws 1917, c. 205, § 4, p. 486; Laws 1919, c. 121, § 2, p. 290; Laws 1921, c. 234, § 1, p. 834; C.S.1922, § 3305; C.S.1929, § 55-125; R.S.1943, § 55-144; Laws 1947, c. 196, § 2, p. 639; Laws 1951, c. 182, § 2, p. 685; Laws 1963, c. 321, § 4, p. 976; R.R.S.1943, § 55-144; Laws 1969, c. 459, § 24, p. 1589; Laws 1978, LB 653, § 16; Laws 1993, LB 170, § 1; Laws 2004, LB 884, § 28; Laws 2004, LB 963, § 3; Laws 2010, LB550, § 5.