54-910 Livestock animal health care professional; duty to report suspected criminal activity; immunity from liability.
54-910. Livestock animal health care professional;duty to report suspected criminal activity; immunity from liability.(1) Any livestockanimal health care professional, while acting in his or her professional capacityor within the scope of his or her employment, who observes or is involvedin an incident which leads the livestock animal health care professional toreasonably suspect that a livestock animal has been abandoned, cruelly neglected,or cruelly mistreated shall report such treatment to an entity that investigatessuch reports in the appropriate jurisdiction.(2) Nothingin this section shall be construed to impose a duty to investigate observedor reasonably suspected abandonment, cruel neglect, or cruel mistreatmentof a livestock animal. Any person making a report under this section is immunefrom liability except for false statements of fact made with malicious intent.(3) For purposesof this section, a livestock animal health care professional means a licensedveterinarian as defined in section 38-3310 or a licensed veterinary technicianas defined in section 38-3311 whose practice involves care of livestock animals. SourceLaws 2010, LB865, § 10.