54-767 Act; administration and enforcement; department; powers and duties; prohibited acts; rules and regulations.
54-767. Act; administration and enforcement;department; powers and duties; prohibited acts; rules and regulations.The Anthrax Control Actshall be administered and enforced by the department. In administering andenforcing the act:(1) The department may cooperateand may contract with any person, including any local, state, or nationalorganizations, public or private, for the performance of activities requiredor authorized pursuant to the act;(2) The department may employ all general powers providedin sections 54-701 to 54-705 and 54-742 to 54-753 in administering the act;(3) For purposes of accessfor (a) inspections, (b) tests, including the taking of samples, (c) treatments,or (d) carrying out and enforcing quarantines, agents and employees of thedepartment shall have the right to enter upon any premises where livestockthat are infected with or are suspected to be infected with anthrax are located.It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere in any way with or obstructan agent or employee of the department from entering upon such premises forthe purposes stated in this subdivision or to interfere in any way with thedepartment in such work;(4)The department may delegate to appropriate personnel any of the responsibilitiesin this section for the proper administration of the act;(5) The department may adoptand promulgate rules and regulations to aid in implementing the act. The rulesand regulations may include, but are not limited to, establishing proceduresfor testing, vaccination, quarantine, cleaning and disinfection of affectedpremises, carcass disposal, designation of approved laboratories to confirmthe presence of anthrax, submission of specimen samples, and diagnosis andconfirmation of anthrax;(6)The department may provide state funds to or on behalf of herd owners forcertain activities or any portion thereof in connection with the implementationof the act if funds for any activities or any portion thereof have been appropriatedand are available. The department may develop statewide priorities for theexpenditure of state funds available for anthrax control activities; and(7) Unless the Legislatureappropriates funds to the department specifically for such purposes, the departmentshall not pay for (a) costs of gathering, confining, and restraining animalsfor vaccination or other anthrax control activities, (b) costs of providingnecessary facilities and assistance, (c) indemnity for any animal destroyedas a result of being affected with anthrax, or (d) costs for carcass disposaland any disinfection or cleaning. SourceLaws 2009, LB99, § 4.