54-506 Release from program; when; recovery of payments.
54-506. Releasefrom program; when; recovery of payments.(1) A veterinarianshall be released from the program contract without penalty if:(a)The veterinarian has completed the service requirements of the contract;(b)The veterinarian is unable to complete the service requirements of the contractbecause of a permanent physical disability;(c) The veterinariandemonstrates extreme hardship or shows other good cause justifying the release;or(d) The veterinarian dies.(2)(a) A veterinarianshall be released from further performance of veterinary services under theprogram contract if he or she is unable to perform his or her contractualobligations to provide veterinary services due to the suspension or revocationof his or her federal accreditation or denial, refusal of renewal, limitation,suspension, revocation, or other disciplinary measure taken against his orher license to practice in Nebraska pursuant to section 71-1,163 until December1, 2008, and section 38-3324 on and after December 1, 2008.(b)If a veterinarian is released from his or her contract pursuant to subdivision(a) of this subsection, the department may recover a portion of or all ofthe payments made to such veterinarian under section 54-505. The departmentshall remit any such funds to the State Treasurer for credit to the Food SupplyAnimal Veterinary Incentive Fund. The department may use appropriate remediesavailable to enforce this subdivision.(3) The State of Nebraskashall be released from any further obligation under the Food Supply AnimalVeterinary Incentive Program Act or any contract entered into with a veterinarianunder the act if the veterinarian is released from the program pursuant tothis section. SourceLaws 2008,LB1172, § 6.