53-103.09 Club, defined.
53-103.09. Club, defined.(1) Club means a corporation (a) whichis organized under the laws of this state, not for pecuniary profit, solelyfor the promotion of some common object other than the sale or consumptionof alcoholic liquor, (b) which is kept, used, and maintained by its membersthrough the payment of annual dues, (c) which owns, hires, or leases a buildingor space in a building suitable and adequate for the reasonable and comfortableuse and accommodation of its members and their guests, and (d) which has suitableand adequate kitchen and dining room space and equipment and a sufficientnumber of servants and employees for cooking, preparing, and serving foodand meals for its members and their guests.(2) The affairs and managementof such club shall be conducted by a board of directors, executive committee,or similar body chosen by the members at their annual meeting, and no member,officer, agent, or employee of the club shall be paid or shall directly orindirectly receive, in the form of salary or other compensation, any profitsfrom the distribution or sale of alcoholic liquor to the club or the membersof the club or its guests introduced by members other than any salary fixedand voted at any annual meeting by the members or by the governing body ofthe club out of the general revenue of the club. SourceLaws 2010, LB861, § 17.