50-1103 District No. 2, description.

50-1103. District No. 2, description.District No. 2 shall contain that part of Cass County not included in legislative district 1, that part of Otoe County not included in legislative district 1, and that part of Sarpy County beginning at the intersection of the Sarpy-Cass County line and the western boundary of La Platte I Precinct, follow such boundary north to Platteview Road, west on Platteview Road to South 84th Street, south on South 84th Street to Platteview Road, west on Platteview Road to South 216th Street, north on South 216th Street to U.S. Highway 6, southwest on U.S. Highway 6 to the Sarpy-Saunders County line, southeast along the Sarpy-Saunders County line to the Sarpy-Cass County line, and east along the Sarpy-Cass County line to the point of beginning. SourceLaws 1981, LB 406, § 3; R.S.1943, (1987), § 5-203; Laws 1991, LB 614, § 3; Laws 2001, LB 852, § 3.