47-624 Council; duties.
47-624. Council; duties.The council shall:(1) Develop standards for eligible community correctionalfacilities and programs in which offenders can participate, taking into considerationthe following factors:(a) Qualifications of staff;(b) Suitability of programs;(c) Offender needs;(d) Probation population;(e) Parole population; and(f) Other applicable criminal justice data;(2) Develop and implement a plan to establish statewide operationand use of a continuum of community correctional facilities and programs;(3) Develop, in consultation with the probation administratorand the Parole Administrator, standards for the use of community correctionalfacilities and programs by the Nebraska Probation System and the parole system;(4) Collaborate with the Office of Probation Administration, theOffice of Parole Administration, and the Department of Correctional Serviceson the development of additional reporting centers as set forth in section 47-624.01;(5) Analyze and mandate the consistentuse of offender risk assessment tools;(6) Educatethe courts, the Board of Parole, criminal justice system stakeholders,and the general public about the availability and use of communitycorrectional facilities and programs;(7) Enter into contracts,if necessary, for carrying out the purposes of the Community Corrections Act;(8) In order to ensure adequatefunding for substance abuse treatment programs for probationers, consult withthe probation administrator as provided in section 29-2262.07 and developor assist with the development of programs as provided in subdivision (14)of section 29-2252;(9) In order to ensure adequatefunding for substance abuse treatment programs for parolees, consult withthe Office of Parole Administration as provided in section 83-1,107.02 anddevelop or assist with the development of programs as provided in subdivision(8) of section 83-1,102;(10) If necessary to performthe duties of the council, hire, contract for, or otherwise obtain the servicesof consultants, researchers, aides, and other necessary support staff;(11) Study substance abuse and mental health treatmentservices in and related to the criminal justice system, recommend improvements,and evaluate the implementation of improvements;(12) Researchand evaluate existing community corrections facilities and programs, withinthe limits of available funding;(13) Develop standardized definitions ofoutcome measures for community corrections facilities and programs, including,but not limited to, recidivism, employment, and substance abuse;(14) Reportannually to the Legislature and the Governor on the development and performanceof community corrections facilities and programs. The report shall includethe following:(a) A description of community corrections facilities and programs,endorsed by the council, currently serving offenders in Nebraska, which includesthe following information:(i) The target population and geographicarea served by each facility or program, eligibility requirements, and thetotal number of offenders utilizing the facility or program over the pastyear;(ii) Services provided to offenders at the facility or in the program;(iii) The costsof operating the facility or program and the cost per offender; and(iv) The fundingsources for the facility or program;(b) The progress made in expanding communitycorrections facilities and programs statewide and an analysis of the needfor additional community corrections services;(c) An analysis of the impact communitycorrections facilities and programs have on the number of offenders incarceratedwithin the Department of Correctional Services; and(d) The recidivism rates and outcomedata for probationers, parolees, and problem-solving-court clients participatingin community corrections programs;(15)Grant funds to entities including local governmental agencies, nonprofit organizations,and behavioral health services which will support the intent of the act; and(16) Perform such other duties as may be necessary to carryout the policy of the state established in the act. SourceLaws 2003, LB 46, § 36; Laws 2005, LB 538, § 15; Laws 2006, LB 1113, § 47; Laws 2010, LB864, § 2.