46-717 Integrated management plan; scientific data and other information; department; natural resources district; duties.
46-717. Integrated management plan; scientificdata and other information; department; natural resources district; duties.(1) In developing an integrated management plan, the Department of NaturalResources and the affected natural resources districts shall utilize the bestscientific data and other information available and shall review and considerany rules and regulations in effect in any existing ground water managementarea that encompasses all or part of the geographic area to be encompassedby the plan. Consideration shall be given to the applicable scientific dataand other information relied upon by the department in preparing the annualreport required by section 46-713 and to other types of data and informationthat may be deemed appropriate by the department. The department, after seekinginput from the affected natural resources districts, shall specify by ruleand regulation the types of scientific data and other information that willbe considered in developing an integrated management plan. The natural resourcesdistricts shall adopt similar rules and regulations specifying the types ofscientific data and other information necessary for purposes of this section.Existing research, data, studies, or any other relevant information whichhas been compiled by or is in possession of other state or federal agencies,other natural resources districts, and other political subdivisions withinthe State of Nebraska shall be utilized. State agencies and political subdivisionsshall furnish information or data upon request of the department or any affectednatural resources district. Neither the department nor the natural resourcesdistricts shall be required to conduct new research or to develop new computermodels to prepare an integrated management plan, but such new research maybe conducted or new computer models developed within the limits of availablefunding if the additional information is desired by the department or theaffected natural resources districts.(2) During preparation of an integrated management plan for a fullyappropriated river basin, subbasin, or reach orof an integrated management plan under subdivision (1)(b) of section 46-715,the department and the affected natural resources districts shall consultwith any irrigation district, reclamation district, public power and irrigationdistrict, mutual irrigation company, canal company, or municipality that relieson water from the affected river basin, subbasin, or reach and with otherwater users and stakeholders as deemed appropriate by the department or bythe affected natural resources districts. They shall also actively solicitpublic comments and opinions through public meetings and other means. SourceLaws 2004, LB 962, § 57; Laws 2010, LB764, § 2.