43-2007 Schools; exempt school; duties.
43-2007. Schools; exempt school; duties.(1)Upon notification by the patrol of a missing person, any school in which themissing person is currently or was previously enrolled shall flag the schoolrecords of such person in such school's possession. The school shall reportimmediately any request concerning a flagged record or any knowledge of thewhereabouts of the missing person.(2) Upon enrollment of a student for the first time in a publicschool district or private school system, the school of enrollment shall notifyin writing the person enrolling the student that within thirty days he orshe must provide either (a) a certified copy of the student's birth certificateor (b) other reliable proof of the student's identity and age accompaniedby an affidavit explaining the inability to produce a copy of the birth certificate.(3) Uponenrollment of a student who is receiving his or her educationin an exempt school subject tosections 79-1601 to 79-1607,the parent or guardian of such student shall provide to the Commissioner ofEducation either (a) a certified copy of the student's birthcertificate or (b) other reliable proof of the student's identityand age accompanied by an affidavit explaining the inability to produce acopy of the birth certificate.(4) Upon failure of the person, parent, or guardian to complywith subsection (2) or (3) of this section, the school or Commissioner ofEducation shall notify such person, parent, or guardian in writing that unlesshe or she complies within ten days the matter shall be referred to the locallaw enforcement agency for investigation. If compliance is not obtained withinsuch ten-day period, the school or commissioner shall immediately report suchmatter. Any affidavit received pursuant to subsection (2) or (3) of this sectionthat appears inaccurate or suspicious in form or content shall be reportedimmediately to the local law enforcement agency by the school or commissioner.(5) Any school requested to forward a copy of a transferredstudent's record shall not forward a copy of such record to the requestingschool if the record has been flagged pursuant to subsection (1) of this section.If such record has been flagged, the school to whom such request is made shallnotify the local law enforcement agency of the request and that such studentis a reported missing person. SourceLaws 1987, LB 599, § 7; Laws 1991, LB 511, § 3; Laws 1992, LB 245, § 9; Laws 1996, LB 900, § 1047; Laws 2009, LB549, § 2.