32-604 Multiple office holding; when allowed.
32-604. Multiple officeholding; when allowed.(1) Except as provided insubsection (2) or (4) of this section, no person shall be precluded from beingelected or appointed to or holding an elective office for the reason thathe or she has been elected or appointed to or holds another elective office.(2) No person serving as a member of the Legislature or inan elective office described in Article IV, section 1 or 20, or Article VII,section 3 or 10, of the Constitution of Nebraska shall simultaneously servein any other elective office, except that such a person may simultaneouslyserve in another elective office which is filled at an election held in conjunctionwith the annual meeting of a public body.(3) Whenever an incumbent serving as a member of the Legislatureor in an elective office described in Article IV, section 1 or 20, or ArticleVII, section 3 or 10, of the Constitution of Nebraska assumes another electiveoffice, except an elective office filled at an election held in conjunctionwith the annual meeting of a public body, the office first held by the incumbentshall be deemed vacant.(4) No person serving in a high elective office shall simultaneouslyserve in any other high elective office, except that a county attorney mayserve as the county attorney for more than one county if appointed under subsection(2) of section 23-1201.01.(5) Notwithstanding subsection (4)of this section, any person holding more than one high elective office upon July 15, 2010, shall be entitledto serve the remainder of all terms for which he or she was elected or appointed.(6) For purposes of this section, (a) elective office hasthe meaning found in section 32-109 and includes an office which is filledat an election held in conjunction with the annual meeting of a public bodycreated by an act of the Legislature but does not include a member of a learningcommunity coordinating council appointed pursuant to subsection (5) or (7)of section 32-546.01 and (b) high elective office means a member of the Legislature,an elective office described in Article IV, section 1 or 20, or Article VII,section 3 or 10, of the Constitution of Nebraska, or a county, city, community college area, learningcommunity, or school district elective office. SourceLaws 1994, LB 76, § 172; Laws 1997, LB 221, § 3; Laws 2003, LB 84, § 2; Laws 2007, LB641, § 2; Laws 2008, LB1154, § 4; Laws 2010, LB951, § 2.Effective Date: July 15, 2010