28-637 Criminal impersonation; identity theft; identity fraud; venue; victim; contact local law enforcement agency.
28-637. Criminal impersonation; identity theft;identity fraud; venue; victim; contact local law enforcement agency.For purposesof sections 28-636 to 28-640:(1) Notwithstandingany other provision of law, venue for the prosecution and trial of violationsof sections 28-636 to 28-640 may be commenced and maintained in any countyin which an element of the offense occurred, including the county where avictim resides; and(2) If a person or entity reasonably believes that he, she, or ithas been the victim of a violation of sections 28-636 to 28-640, the victimmay contact a local law enforcement agency which has jurisdiction over thevictim's residence, place of business, or registered address. Notwithstandingthat jurisdiction may lie elsewhere for investigation and prosecution of acrime of identity theft, the local law enforcement agency shall take the complaintand provide the complainant with a copy of the complaint and refer the complaintto a law enforcement agency in the appropriate jurisdiction. SourceLaws 2009, LB155, § 9.